How come when nail grow, the flesh under them doesn’t come forward along with the nail as it grows?


Nails have a fleshy bottom layer attached to them that somehow doesn’t come forward with the nail as it grows, why is that?

In: Biology

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your nail bed length and shape is genetically predetermined. The hyponychium, the fleshy part under your nail where the nail bed meets the nail plate, is essentially a guardian seal to help prevent any dirt from getting under your nails, same with the eponychium which is up near the keratinized proximal nail fold (commonly confused for the cuticle).

It can become detached (onycholysis) due to picking/scraping under the nail, chemical reactions (looking at you, Mentality Polish), or from hitting your nail at the wrong angle and having it lift from the nail plate. In this instance, the nail bed will eventually reattach itself but it won’t grow the nail bed any longer than it was initially.

Some people have a hyponychium that extends past the tip of their finger and when they break a nail, this can be incredibly painful.

In cases of severe nail biters, the nail bed can reattach itself & lengthen as the nail is allowed to grow out, but it will not be any longer than it was before the nail biting habit was formed.

That being said, if anyone has any questions regarding nail care, please don’t hesitate to message me. Nails are a passion of mine!!

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