How did ancient Polynesians first find all the remote Pacific islands? Did they just sail in random directions hoping to find land?


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28 Answers

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They didn’t have magnetic compass so they used stars or bright planets such as Venus and Jupiter to navigate during the night. During day time they use the sun to navigate.

When near an island there would be birds and cloud formation. The Māori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa with one literal translation as ‘the land of the long white cloud’ given by them when they discovered the North Island.

The Māori voyagers also used whales to find land in this case it was the Humpback whale. They believed that by following whales they would be led to land as whales give birth in calmer water near atolls or islands. Whales travel slowly at around 3 to 5 knots thus making them easy to follow.

This is the [source]( about finding land.

[Here]( are the different stories about the Māori origins and arrival.

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