How did bridge builders of old ensure both ends of the bridge would perfect meet in the middle before laser measuring was around?


How did bridge builders of old ensure both ends of the bridge would perfect meet in the middle before laser measuring was around?

In: Engineering

14 Answers

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Today we seem puzzled that people could have built anything without digital technology and other gizmos.

But, we tend to forget that great builders, like the Romans for example, constructed roads, sewers, aqueducts, bridges, structures, without lasers and computers. Their works have stood for centuries. And, imagine doing math with Roman numerals! They even had rudimentary cranes and understood gearing. They could do a lot of things we do now, but just didn’t have power machinery to do it.

For a great look at ancient building techniques, read the Roman author and architect, Vitruvius, who wrote [De architectura](

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