How did certain types of berries like cucumbers and eggplants become classified as vegetables instead of fruits?


How did certain types of berries like cucumbers and eggplants become classified as vegetables instead of fruits?

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6 Answers

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Mostly, “social thinking;” something like, people are introduced to sweet fruits early on. Conversely, they are introduced to vegetables as having savory or watery flavors. So, when they are introduced to foods later in life, the association of flavors determines the food type.

– Sweet juicy and peelable skin equals fruit
– Watery and slightly bitter flavors equals vegetable

There’s no reason to do further research or double guess oneself when this rule-of-thumb is constantly correct; where the reality is that there are several foods that break the rule.

Where the best rule-of-thumb is actually,

– Fruits contain seeds, while vegetables can consist of roots, stems and leaves.
– A fruit develops from the flower of a plant, while the other parts of the plant are categorized as vegetables.

Cucumbers, eggplant, avocado, tomatoes, & various peppers are often mistaken for vegetables because of their flavor profile. Some people think, “eat the inside equals fruit, water the outside it’s a veggie.”

In the end, fruits and vegetables have hard-rules to determine what they are, it’s just not that important to most people.

Short article that might be helpful. [here](

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