How did Duck Hunt for Nintendo work?


It came out nearly 40 years ago. They didn’t put out “real” motion sensing games until 2006. Feels like I’m missing something.

In: 1520

17 Answers

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The game didn’t sense motion at all.

Inside the Zapper is something called a *photodiode* — an electrical device that generates an electrical signal when light falls on it.

If you pay really close attention to the game when you fire the Zapper, it goes black for a single frame, then draws white boxes around the ducks for another frame. (For multiple ducks, the white boxes persist for different durations to allow for differentiation.)

If the Zapper sees a frame of no light followed by a frame (or more) of light, you must have been aiming at the duck, and so the game scores a hit. If not, then you weren’t — no hit.

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