How did Duck Hunt for Nintendo work?


It came out nearly 40 years ago. They didn’t put out “real” motion sensing games until 2006. Feels like I’m missing something.

In: 1520

17 Answers

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The “gun” is just a light sensor with a lens on it to narrow its field of view into a narrow beam. When you point it at the television the sensor will only see a small part of the screen.

The trick is that when you press the trigger the screen will momentarily stop displaying all the normal graphics of the game. Instead it will only show a black screen with a white square around where the target duck (or dog) is. If the light sensor detects light then it assumes you were pointing the gun at the right patch of the screen and triggers a hit. If no light is detected you were presumably pointing at the wrong part of the screen and no hit is triggered.

Of course such a simple system could be fooled by pointing the gun at a light bulb and you would get hits every time. (Edit: Correction, there was a system to prevent this by displaying a black frame first. Thanks for the info /u/The_Thunder_Child and /u/ToxiClay !)

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