How did early hominids get sleep when its so hard for people in modern times to sleep.


By ancestors I mean like “cavemen” in a sense. If they had to sleep in caves surrounded by a million different noises, predators, insects, and sleeping on primitive beds – I just cant see them getting any good night rests.

In today’s world sometimes we cant sleep even with great pillows, mattresses, soothing sounds, sleep aid medicine, etc. For some even the tiniest noise or light wakes them up. Thanks for and whatever the reason early hominids must have been pretty hardcore.

In: 723

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you worked on a working farm or ranch; the answer becomes abundantly clear. Or setting chokers logging, so on and so forth (logging was the family business but had friends working on farms and ranches). Not only slept well, didn’t have to go to the gym, your work did that for you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Right about the time we see canines being “pets” in a primitive tribe, the size of the sections of the brain that process smells and hearing shrank, allowing the other parts of the human brain to grow.

Also, when a member of the tribe gets too old to hunt, they can “stand guard” while the others are sleeping. An older female assisting with the care of weaned children means that the younger females can have more children, and this was during a time when a fight for scarce resources during a temporary drought meant the tribe with the most fighters would win.

These are ways in which the more social tribes survived and grew compared to more individualistic tribes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you can manage to actually find darkness, you will sleep like a baby.

Even a tiny green or red light from your TV or alarm clock is enough to fuck your entire night. Light from outside forget it. Noise from traffic, fuck right off.