How did early humans explain words to each other when they created the first languages?


I am aware of the fact that humans did understand each other a little bit before the invention of language, but how did they explain complex words? Was the creation of languages like a buildup of words so they start with very simple words and gradually build up so that the rest of the tribe or country or whatever would understand the meaning of the new word easier? Or was it like one big language created at once and everyone just kind of figured out the meaning of the words over time?

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s no way we can be sure, but still, a solid speculation would be, that their minds connected words/grunts to specific nouns/verbs/adjectives, the same way we do now, but in a super primitive way.

Back then, people used the words/sounds they needed for communication, they didn’t need to have correct grammar, pronunciation or complex words. One word sentences would probably suffice, even today. Everyone in the tribe would learn the language by living in it.

The problem would be communicating with other foreign tribes, since there’s a high chance of hostility and a high chance of a completely different dialect or language all together.

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