How did eggs get associated with Easter?


It’s not like a (Easter) bunny can lay eggs. Also I don’t recall any egg/chicken references in the related Bible stories (except maybe the rooster). So how did the celebration of Easter with eggs came about internationally?

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8 Answers

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Easter coincides with the Jewish holiday of passover because Jesus’s last supper was a passover meal.

Passover is the celebration of the Jews escape from Egypt, but it is also their spring festival.

Spring Festivals are common place through the world, and in Europe existing pagan celebrations were happening during the time of Easter.

Like so many other Christian Holidays, the Church co-opted various pagan traditions into the Easter Holiday. Basically saying “You can keep this up, so long as you put Jesus in their somewhere”

So various things like the Eggs, Rabbits, etc are metaphors for spring and fertility that are leftovers from Pagan fertility and spring festivals that were integrated with Easter. Their original meanings functionally lost to history.

This is the same reason that Christmas trees and various other things associated with the Pagan Yule celebration became part of Christmas. The honest truth is we don’t know when Jesus was born, European Christians chose Christmas time as the celebration of Christ’s birth because it coincided with Yule and they wanted to replace it with something far more Christian. (Yule was a pretty crazy drunken party and no really compatible with Christian values)

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