How did Germany stop being Nazis after the end of WWII? Did everyone just “snap out of it” after Hitler’s death?


How did Germany stop being Nazis after the end of WWII? Did everyone just “snap out of it” after Hitler’s death?

In: Other

25 Answers

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No, quite a few moved away from Germany though, Argentina and Namibia are two locations I know of but there could be more. The remake of the Prisoner was filmed in Namibia and one actor said the local shops sold Nazi memorabilia and the locals spoke of the “good old days” and they found the whole place quite creepy.
In Germany there’s still plenty of far right supporters but the general culture is very different for example they don’t have school uniforms as it’s seen as militaristic, freedom is embraced and encouraged and the general attitudes towards life are far removed form Nazism and the positives of this outlook are highlighted.

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