How did Greece come to have such a large influence on the world during antiquity?


Reading about Hellenistic dynasties in Egypt and Greek rulers in Judea doesn’t make sense to me given the size of Greece and that they afaik were divided into multiple small city states.

In: Other

6 Answers

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The Greeks didn’t do much influencing, but the power houses who loved Greek culture did

Classical Greece was conquered by Persia, then freed, then conquered by Macedon, and then Alexander the Great conquered territories all the way out to India and spread the Greek culture that he liked to all of them. When he died he put generals in charge of various portions of his empire. Ptolemy I Soter got Egypt and a bit of the Levant forming Ptolemaic Egypt, Seleucus I Nicator got Asia Minor and formed the Seleucid Empire, there were 5 in all. These are the Hellenistic Dynasties and would reign until Rome popped by to try to take them over.

Later on Rome really liked Greek culture and appropriated and spread it a lot, and the Eastern Roman Empire would maintain their love of Greek culture and ideas until its fall in 1453 AD.

The individual city states of the Greeks really didn’t do much to spread their culture and rules by force, but their enticing culture intrigued others who were good with force but bad at culture(Rome) and they spread it for the Greeks.

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