How did old dial phones figure out where the call is going without having a computer inside? What is the mechanism behind the dial?


How did old dial phones figure out where the call is going without having a computer inside? What is the mechanism behind the dial?

In: Technology

6 Answers

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The phones themselves had no idea what they were doing.

They were just a speaker, a microphone, a bell and a way to create signals/make some noises by pressing buttons or turning a dial.

The clicks when the dial was turned and the beeps when buttons were pressed were send down the wire the same as the words you spoke into the speaker.

It was up to the switchboard to turn these signals into instructions of how to connect your call.

These machines did not need to especially smart either. We could make them before we had real computers.

The numbers you pressed/dialed were the instructions on how to connect your call.

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