How did people copy something from a VHS/cassette tape since they’re physical..?


For example in the past, how would movies or TV shows get copied on to millions of VHS tapes for people to watch at home? Do they all get copied from the very Original tape and how did they make sure that the original wasn’t damaged or something…?

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a “master copy” of everything. There’s an original.

Copies are made, and every copy is just a duplicate of the original. There are often a bunch of 1st copy ones saved in case something happens to the “master”.

You could, once upon a time, just connect two VHS machines together and just play from one and record onto another. This wasn’t perfect and the copy wouldn’t be as good. It’d be barely noticeable. But you wouldn’t have the types of quality machinery than they do in factories where copies are made en masse.

These days things are all digital so you just burn another one onto a disc.

Records are actually all analogue still, so records are copied – from record to record. Decent records (vinyl discs) shouldn’t ever be burned from a digital file.

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