How did people used to die in jousting tournaments in the medieval ages and what is done to prevent that from happening in modern day jousting tournaments?


How did people used to die in jousting tournaments in the medieval ages and what is done to prevent that from happening in modern day jousting tournaments?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well you’re getting knocked off a horse at speed while wearing metal pants. That’s a very hard landing, and injuries were common.

Even today at reenactments it’s not exactly a safe activity, but the riders will wear modern football-style padding and braces to try and minimize the risk of spine injury and concussion.

In the middle ages the armor was padded out with leather or cloth, which actually did work decently but definitely not every time. If you did get hurt, you’re in the hands of medieval medicine. Results were mixed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grab a few pots and pans from your kitchen and duck tape them to your body. Now climb up on a 2 meter tall box. Next, let your friend take a broomhandle and attach a large rock to it. Lastly, let that person run at full speed and with full force ram that into your chest, making you uncontrollably fly back in a tumble. Add to this that you also do this in a church of people that don’t believe in modern medicine and will try to heal you by praying and you are getting close to a medieval jousting tournament.

Today it is often performed on sand to cushion the landing. There is also a medic on site, and there is often some protection under the armor like a back and neck brace.