How did the anciet civilization found out that the earth is not in the centre of our solar system?


How did the anciet civilization found out that the earth is not in the centre of our solar system?

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3 Answers

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In general they disagreed about it, but most did think that earth was at the center and the sun moves around us. After all, we see the sun, moon and planets move and see that the earth is still–if it was really the earth moving then we should feel and hear it move, just like you do when you’re riding a cart or sailing a ship.

The main problem with this is explaining the motion of the planets. They also move across the sky in a regular cycle, but unlike the sun, they don’t always go the same direction–sometimes they move backward (retrograde). This is very strange if they are orbiting the earth, and requires complicated explanations such as that they orbit another point even while orbiting earth. It makes more sense if both the planets and and the earth are moving and it’s the sun that is still.

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