how did the British royalty become “ royal”. What started this 1000 years ago?


how did the British royalty become “ royal”. What started this 1000 years ago?

In: 1643

30 Answers

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The British royalty in particular can *kind of* be traced back to the Norman conquest in 1066, which was the last time anyone successfully invaded the British Isles. The leader of the Normans, William (who, understandably, is known as “William the Conqueror”) became the kind of England as well, though England was considered just a part of his holdings, and not a very important one at that.

Several times in the intervening 1,000 years, England has crowned a monarch who was not a direct descendant of the previous one, so you can think of the bloodline back to William as having been warped or broken in several places, most recently when George I was brought over from Germany to take the throne after Anne bore no children. The current royal family descends from him.

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