How did we make plastic that isn’t biodegradable and is so bad for the planet, out of materials only found on Earth?


I just wondered how we made these sorts of things when everything on Earth works together and naturally decomposes.

In: 6571

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

With other comments, another point I feel is worth mentioning. We are making the plastics out of oil that was underground for millions of years after not biodegrading for all of that time.

Also, “natural” doesn’t mean it’s good for life on earth. There is nothing supernatural about a meteor strike tossing up enough dust to kill off the dinosaurs. When algae started to fill the planet up with oxygen which lead to “The Great Dying” that killed some 90+% of all life on earth it wasn’t because oxygen was a material never found on earth.

Something is “bad for the planet” when it harms systems we, humans, want to preserve. If we choked the whole planet in plastic or nuclear fallout, or cook it with Green House Gasses, the planet will be fine. Some Life will almost definitely remain. And it will start over again. But I like humans. Some of my favorite people are humans. So I would like to keep the planet habitable for us.

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