How did we translate text from one language to another without the use of dictionaries and the technology we have today?


Before we had google translate and all of this stuff to do it for us, how did we originally translate one language to another? I mean, before we had “english to french” dictionaries and all of that.

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not always very well.

Either you had to find a person who spoke (read) both languages, or you had to get a translation dictionary (printed book) and look up each word one at a time. Without knowledge of the details of how the other language was spoken, it was really easy to miss details, idioms, and stuff like past tense of “might”.

In between then and now, some big cities had phone-able translation services. You could call them on a land line, and get hooked up with someone who could translate.

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