How do accents work?


So I was born and brought up in India but have been studying abroad for almost two years now and my accent has changed significantly. Everyone I know from home has noticed it yet I don’t think it has changed all that much. I know people who’ve lived abroad for almost 20 years without having any changes in their accents. I’m 19 at moment could it be possible due to my age I’m more prone to subconsciously picking up words I hear around me?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A Canadian that’s made fun of for saying “eh” would consciously stop saying it as often (or double down on it if it’s part of their identity).

But then there’s also the subconscious, where if you keep hearing “home” as “hawm” instead of “hoome” for 100 times straight you’ll start changing to that as well. But similarly, if it’s important to you and you make a conscious effort to say it one way, then it won’t change for you.

So it depends how much mental effort you’re putting into how you pronounce things, with minimal effort resulting in you matching the people near you.

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