How do activity trackers know when I’m asleep? How they deduce REM sleep, deep sleep etc?


How do activity trackers know when I’m asleep? How they deduce REM sleep, deep sleep etc?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The tracker do it mainly with two sensors. Heart beat and accelerometer sensor.

– it detects sleep when you dont move for a long period of time plus Hearrate goes down. Some like fitbit even check if you are sleeping if by checking for twitching and small sudden movements like rolling over.

– it detect different sleep cycles by checking the change in heartrate. Between changes of stages, your heartrate will change ever so slightly.

– the watch does not do any calculations. It just records and sends data to your phone which then interprets it all the sensors and matches everything and decides yep you are sleeping let me label it.

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