How do actors/actresses look so good in movies/TV while in real life they are not as attractive and often give the impression they had too much makeup?


Who hasn’t had a crush on some actor only to realize they aren’t so beautiful when they’re not acting?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You ever watch the credits at the end of a movie? You see there are like 40-50 people at the “make-up” chapter. Thats how.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its all makeup and camera filters/lighting tricks. I met news anchor anderson cooper at a charity event once and dude looks soooooo old and decrepit irl. Like a vampire fresh out the casket and thirsty as f#ck old lookin.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s the magic of having an entire crew of make-up, studio lighting, composition and other specialists working to make you look great.

By the time you see them in a movie, there’s been a host of people working on their looks from the person who does their makeup to the person who tells them how to pose in flattering ways and the person who does the final colour correction.

Without all that, they’re just people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Given 12 hours in makeup before the shoot with a team of trained proffrssionals, perfect lighting and camera angles, digital editing after the shot, and a strict workout routine leading up to filming, anyone can look good.