How do airlines track where your luggage is and how do they know where to send it during a layover?


How do airlines track where your luggage is and how do they know where to send it during a layover?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A number of airlines have adopted RFID baggage tracking systems that let them find any bag in a haystack of bags by using RFID sensors. Delta Air Lines was an early adopter of an RFID baggage tracking system that has served as an example for others. The three main jobs of a baggage handling system are:

* To move bags from the check-in station to the departing gate.
* Move the bags to another aircraft during a transfer flight.
* Move bags from the arrival gate to the baggage claim area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They put a paper tag on your luggage that has a barcode on it. As your bag goes through various conveyor belts and bins the barcode gets scanned which lets the airline’s computers know where your bag is at all times. This also tells them what plane to put your bag on.

When your bag comes off the plane the barcode gets scanned again. Then the computer will tell the baggage handler whether your luggage needs to go on another plane or out to baggage pickup.

Anonymous 0 Comments
