How do amputations or major operations occur without insane blood loss/death?


How do amputations or major operations occur without insane blood loss/death?

In: 35

11 Answers

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By working meticulously and ligaturing major blood vessels before cutting them, Electrocautery is also used, this method seals smaller vessels when they are cut. Any if you miss one, you quickly put a clamp on it to stop the bleeding.

As a veterinarian, I do not have access to blood bank for my surgeries (pretty much never done ifor surgery n veterinary medicine aside for referral centers). By knowing your anatomy and working metodically you can control the bleeding to a minimal. Most vets don’t even have electrocauthery so just knowledge, and skills,

We don’t use tourniquets for planned amputations (like for unrepaireable fractures or tumors), those would just be used for acute trauma until surgey is done.

With modern surgery and anesthesia, it’s not a race, the goal is to minimize the loss for the patient and give the most optimum condtions for the amputated area to heal properly.

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