How do animals fall asleep so quickly?

458 viewsBiologyOther

Obviously, my cat doesn’t watch TikTok, but there must be some things that keep it up at night.
No cows are hooked on melatonin.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many animals need more sleep than us (for example cats need 18) so they are tired more times than we

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have to think this the other way around: why is it so difficult for many humans to fall asleep? Because falling asleep quickly is the default.

Cats are actually more active during the night because that’s when it’s easier to hunt without being seen, which is why they have their senses (especially their sight) adapted for it.

Modern city-dwelling humans on the other hand lost their natural sleep cycles, and thus their ability to quickly fall asleep & wake up due to a number of factors:
– Constant artificial bright light
– Artificial wake/sleep times – industrialization forced us into time patterns like working 9-5, regardless of what our bodies want
– Near constant mental stimulation from mobile phones, running TVs, radio, …

Cut out screens – aside from maybe an e-reader – at least 30 minutes before bed, and reduce the brightness around you as well and you’ll probably won’t need the melatonin anymore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Animals don’t sleep at a fixed time. They sleep when they get tired and are exhausted.

Most humans go to sleep when it’s their bedtime so we are trying to force our sleep when our body isn’t ready for it. Adding to that, the artificial lights messes up the sleep cycle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a human animal after a long day I fall asleep once my head hits the pillow. Animals tend to sleep when they are sleepy and especially not when the clock tells you to sleep so you can get your 8 hours.