How do animals get castrated with little to no reaction?


I saw a youtube video of a bull getting his balls twisted off with a tool used for castration (it was basically a hand drill) and he didn’t even flinch or make any noise. Not to mention he just walked it off and there was little to no bleeding. Would a man bleed out if he had this done to him and how are animals so resistant to testicular pain.

In: 13

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Animals react to pain differently than humans do; you can’t anthropomorphize them and expect them to wail and moan like a human would. There is a lot of research suggesting that animals who undergo castration and other painful techniques react differently to certain types of procedures later in life, indicating that they do feel profound pain. It just looks different to humans because they evince pain differently.

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I saw a youtube video of a bull getting his balls twisted off with a tool used for castration (it was basically a hand drill) and he didn’t even flinch or make any noise. Not to mention he just walked it off and there was little to no bleeding. Would a man bleed out if he had this done to him and how are animals so resistant to testicular pain.

In: 13

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Animals react to pain differently than humans do; you can’t anthropomorphize them and expect them to wail and moan like a human would. There is a lot of research suggesting that animals who undergo castration and other painful techniques react differently to certain types of procedures later in life, indicating that they do feel profound pain. It just looks different to humans because they evince pain differently.

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