How do apps or programs store long term data?


Beginner programmer here.

Beyond variables which are temporary storage how do programmers keep data, say, after the app is closed and reopened?


example: if I enter 4 items on a list and press save – and I close the app, how would one store the data to view later from within that same app?

I always think I should be able to store data from an app onto a spreadsheet and have the app call the data from the spreadsheet – but I’m sure it’s more complicated that this.

Because I’m a noob, perhaps I am not using the proper vocabulary to explain so here’s a more specific idea. I want to make an app that allows me to enter asset numbers or serial numbers of ipads and store information about them- like past repairs/complaints or issues. When I enter the asset number from the app I’d like it to pull up all of this data.

To me I would just say “use a spread sheet” but I would like the challenge and fun of creating the app. The problem is I’m not sure how to interact with any sort of long term storage- the only real thing I understand is variables and the likes.

this is probably way over my head, so, I don’t need a tutorial on how to do this. I’m just curious what is commonly done or how developers solve the issue of needing long-term data storage they will call on later.


In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the app, sqlite3 is very popular (it’s an regular database that’s super easy to include in an app).

The other method is just have some configuration objects and seralize them and write to some format, then you can read it and deserialize them to get the data back. Many libraries support generic ways of doing this, Apple’s stuff favors .plist files which are mostly XML files, but they have a binary conversion of the XML as an encoding option.

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