How do astronauts wash their clothes and shower in the ISS where the water supply is very limited?


How do astronauts wash their clothes and shower in the ISS where the water supply is very limited?

In: Engineering

6 Answers

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Water is not in such a limited supply. They have spent a lot of time and effort to make very efficient life support systems that is able to reclaim all water on ISS. So if the astronauts wants water to clean their clothes they are more then welcome to do so. However there is issues with cleaning clothes and other things due to the lack of gravity and specialized equipment. So in general astronauts do not wash their clothes. However they do find that as the clothes are not as tight fitting to their skin and are not touching the ground or chairs as much the clothes do not get as dirty. But when they do get dirty they get thrown out with the rest of the trash. Astronauts often compare a trip to the ISS with a long camping trip for this and several other reasons.

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