How do bats defecate and urinate without going all over themselves since they roost upside down most of the time?


How do bats defecate and urinate without going all over themselves since they roost upside down most of the time?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Actually bats usually don’t hang upside down. They cling to the ceiling with all fours meaning it’s not like a hose going straight up, moreso out to the side. The only time they hang is when they are fully asleep, at which time they don’t defecate at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bats will turn right-side up for a moment to pee or poop & then go back to hanging out upside down. They will also pee & poop while flying. Most bats spend a lot of time grooming themselves as well, very much like cats do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll just leave a link to my old post with picture of fruit bat urinating 😉


Anonymous 0 Comments

I imagine a bat is asking how humans urinate and defecate without getting it all over our legs since we stand or sit most of the time. Answer is the same: we change position to do our business. Bats don’t urinate or defecate while upside down.