How do bees learn how to build their “houses” (honeycombs)…..and why do they do so?


Who tells them how to build honeycombs? Why do they do honeycombs? ……. I think no human can do that masterpiece without studying architecture or engineering.

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Someone else posted about how they are programmed to build the their homes, so I’ll just add that they actually just build circles and gravity squeezes them together and it naturally becomes hexagonical because it’s the strongest and most efficient structural form.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a series of Genetically programmed behaviors that they follow. Basically think of the various jobs in the colony as different flowcharts of activities that the bees perform. Based on the job and type of bee, they are hard wired to follow these different patterns of behavior. these can be pretty complex with a lot of steps from start to finish, but you can break them all down into a chain of simpler behaviors/activities which can all be genetically controlled. Bees can learn to a certain extent but the important behaviors are instinctual so they do them automatically when the time is right. think of it like a robot executing a programmed series of steps.