How do big animals such as Lion, Tiger, Bears, Elephants, etc be “friends” with humans.


How do big animals such as Lion, Tiger, Bears, Elephants, etc be “friends” with humans.

In: Other

6 Answers

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If its a social animal then what you describes as friend will be something like a packmate to the animal, and depending on the “culture” where it grew up (aka. the circumstances in which its neural network was trained) it will act differently.
If it was raised in a wild pack of wolves, then it will act like that, it will establish hierarchy, and act towards other according to what it was used to.
In such case its on you (as the more intelligent) to recognize this and act accordingly, or bear the consequences.

And of course even asocial animals are not complete idiots.
They are easily able to learn that you can do stuff for them that they like, be it giving them sustenance, nice treat, doing physical activity with them that they enjoy, or just scratch a bad itch in a spot they can’t reach, or that you are nice warm to cuddle up with.
Obviously its not in their interest to attck you – unless you do something that threatens or hurts them, but even then most often they will just mock attack, and signal to you to back off.
Stuff like a cobra biting without injecting any venom, a cat giving a slap without extending its claws – its basically saying “fuck off”.

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