How do big animals such as Lion, Tiger, Bears, Elephants, etc be “friends” with humans.


How do big animals such as Lion, Tiger, Bears, Elephants, etc be “friends” with humans.

In: Other

6 Answers

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Apex predators don’t pick on each other. Lions and elephants walk right past each other all the time in their shared African range. Animals don’t do stuff at random. Expending energy means they expect a return on their investment. Lions that attack elephants get stepped on and die, so that behavior doesn’t become super-popular.

Under some circumstances, people are seen as fellow predators, and not a cost-effective food source. Elephants like people because elephants love complicated stuff, and we make and carry lots of complicated stuff. Since we’re quite squishable, we’re not dangerous, why not be friends and see if we’ve got any of those oranges on us.

Bears eat berries, we’re not berries, so we’re not food. If we act dangerous, then we’d have to die but just attacking things that aren’t food is a waste of energy.

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