How do big companies assess whether their TV ads were useful or not?


How do big companies assess whether their TV ads were useful or not?

In: 5390

21 Answers

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In public health, which runs a lot of ads for things like vaccination, exercise, alcohol/drug consumption, STI prevention, there is a lot of research that can go into the messages before the ads are created. Focus groups etc. This way they can be pretty sure the message is going to resonate with audiences. After the fact, they can look at changes in response, e.g. did more people get vaccinated than last year, more than last week? Are STIs down?

Advertisers also measure something called brand lift, which means did an audience hear about a product recently? They may track how often people heard their product/service before a campaign, and measure it again after. Sometimes you don’t measure ad results just by sales, but also by awareness.

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