How do Bluetooth Cassette Adapters Work?


The [Wikipedia Article]( explains that it works like an mp3 adapter but it doesn’t really explain how those work. I can’t wrap my head around how it converts mp3 or bluetooth signal to a physical signal fast enough to listen to music comfortably, let alone hold a phone-call through the adapter.

In: 15

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can simply take the read head of a cassette recorder and it backwards. instead of reading the magnetic pattern on a tape it can play back such a pattern.

If you hold such a device up against the read head of an actual cassette player, it will read the pattern that the first one plays back.

The signal that you put in at one end and get out at the other is very much the same with surprisingly little loss in audio quality.

You now just need to hook up your play head to something that creates an analog audio signal. any device capable of driving a speaker can do that.

So you take a read head of a cassette player and connect it to the tech of a Bluetooth speaker minus the actual speaker and put an old cassette case around the whole thing.

You now have a a device that you can put into your old car cassette player that will pretend to be a cassette but secretly just play back some audio it receives via Bluetooth.

It is remarkably how simple and dumb that whole thing is and how it uses off the shelf parts to do an unusual job.

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