How do bodies of water exist above ground?


How come bodies of water (lakes, rivers, wetlands, oceans even…) exist above ground instead of the water simply being absorbed by the earth?

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21 Answers

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Any time you see standing water you are seeing a tabletop: the top of the *water table*. This is exactly where the ground stops being 100% saturated. Imagine you take a bowl full of dirt. Scoop out a handful of dirt and make a little hole. Now pour water in until the depression fills with water. It’s the exact same as a lake. The ground at the level of the water table is saturated.

It’s complicated but basically there’s an insane amount of water beneath our feet. Most fresh water I believe is underground. All surface rivers and streams in the world account for something like .001% of fresh water. But there are permeable and impermeable layers of rock in the earth so water gets trapped in certain layers.

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