The bonsai tree is a stunted tree grow to resemble a large tree in miniature. They are planted in sand and given only the bare minimum of nutrients and water need to grow. Because there is no soil to hold nutrients and water it requires careful and watchful gardening.
The bonsai in karate kid is actually a great metaphor for how Mr Miyagi trains Daniel.
To shape a bonsai one must imagine the way you want the tree to grow, and make cuts and add nutrients to make it real. When you cut a plant it does not die, instead it tends to grow stronger there. Plants that are tossed about by winds grow stronger roots, and firmer branches. Cut off one branch. Two take it it’s place. Where the plant finds water or sun, it grows towards these.
To train Daniel, he must assess the boy and see his potential, then plan his “cuts” and “nutrient” rewards to guide his growth, until he becomes the final product that was envisioned. Each task is meant to “cut” his body in a specific way, so that he will be stronger in those ways. With rewards, he show Daniel that Mr. Miyagi’s path is good, and should be continued.
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