How do both fusion and fission bombs create an exothermic reaction?


Doesn’t fusion release energy, while fission requires it?

In: Chemistry

6 Answers

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It works because you use different elements.

In general element before Iron on the periodic table release energy if you put them together and element after iron release energy if you break them apart. Iron is element number 26. You can’t extract energy from iron from either fusion or fission

So the fission reaction in nuclear weapons if from uranium or plutonium that is element 92 and 93 you get energy. A fusion reaction as a hydrogen isotope and lithium so element numbers 1 and 3. So we use the last element that exists naturally on earth for fission bombs and the first and third element for a fusion bomb. This is not a coincidence.

This is also the explanation of why iron is so common, A start can burn lighter material but when the output is iron there is no way to get out more energy out. Iron and element before it is created in the normal life cycle of a star but element after is is only created when a star explodes in a supernova. The result is that Iron is the 9th most common element in the solar system and the 6th most common in the Milkey way,

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