How do bots work?


And I don’t mean like spam bots. I searched this sub and couldn’t find much. For example, I see people tagging u/ savevideo or u/ savephoto, and just saw one “shakespeare bot” that repeated a comment but in “shakespeare language.” Are these real people? Im assuming not, but on the video one I think, I saw the “user” post they got banned. So I’m a bit confused? I’m fairly new here

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those bots either search all of Reddit (with some subreddit exceptions) for their summon word (or sometimes on specific comments like haiku bot which looks for words with specific syllable combinations) or wait to be summoned by being tagged. Then when that happens they run code to do their thing, like for Shakespeare language it replaces words based on context, and save video generates a link to where you can download Reddit videos.

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