how do buses and cars fit in the same lane when a car has 2 seats and are very close together, but a bus has seats for 2 on either side, plus a walkway down the middle? this has never made sense to me


how do buses and cars fit in the same lane when a car has 2 seats and are very close together, but a bus has seats for 2 on either side, plus a walkway down the middle? this has never made sense to me

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An ant fits in the lane too. Doesn’t occupy all of it though, just like the car. The bus occupies more than the car. A standard highway lane in the U.S. is 12 feet. Average car width is about a half of that, 6 feet or so. A standard city bus is about 3 feet wider, at 9 feet.

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