How do business renovation reality programs (Bar Rescue, Kitchen Nightmares, etc.) recoup expenses?


I’m watching Goron Ramsey’s show *To Hell and Back,* where he renovates failing restaurants. I just read that Ramsay makes approximately $250k per episode, and I’d assume they’re putting at least $50k into each renovation, some probably more. How much money do these types of shows make on a per-episode basis that they can even recoup the cost of such massive production costs? I assume it’s all from ads?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They make money the same way all television series make money: ads, licensing, and sponsorship.

A prestige television series can cost several million dollars per episode. The Mandalorian is reported to have cost $15M per episode.

Reality programs are actually pretty cheap. Think of it this way, renovating a house isn’t that different than building a set, and is often less involved because they’re not building it from scratch and can use standard materials. Finding fixtures for a modern bathroom is easier than finding fixtures for a Victorian bathroom.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The average drama show cost like 4-5 million per episode. This is actually really, really cheap. It’s a fraction of the cost, so it’s actually far easier to make money.

Anonymous 0 Comments

lianceisng ads and what not

but ot be fair they often dont at least the businesses on these shows dont, as they dont necesaarly are able ot mantain the business running in the much higher condition.