How do cable lines on telephone poles transmit and receive data along thousands of houses and not get interference?


How do cable lines on telephone poles transmit and receive data along thousands of houses and not get interference?

In: Engineering

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do!

Interference is a big issue. When I was in cable TV, I’d disconnected numerous homes for causing interference in the rest of the plant. Leaving a note saying why, and for them to schedule an appointment to see if we could track it down.

Damaged coax, poor connectors, and even some TV have been the culprit in most cases.

It can also get in from the plant side.

If you’ve ever noticed several small antennas on your cable providers vehicles, those are connected to ~~socialized~~ *specialized* receivers known as “leak detectors” and look for a specific frequency.

My old company used a computerized system that collated all the detected transmissions, and used GPS and triangulation to determine exactly where it was coming from. Usually from animal chew, or other types of damage to the physical lines.

Squirrels apparently love the “white shit” aka dielectric, inside them…

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