How do cable lines on telephone poles transmit and receive data along thousands of houses and not get interference?


How do cable lines on telephone poles transmit and receive data along thousands of houses and not get interference?

In: Engineering

35 Answers

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The data is converted into digital, electromagnetic waves. The data is then converted from time domain into what is called frequency domain. Filters can be applied to single out individual frequencies to “find” the correct information you want to look for.

Think of a radio. When you turn the dial on the radio it changes the stations. Each one of these stations, on FM, are on different frequencies. Turning the dial essentially filters out each station and finds the one you want to listen to. All of these stations are still being transmitted layered on top of one another. Digital data over cable lines and telephone lines can have thousands of available “stations” instead of the handful you can hear from FM radio. When you filter out the frequency you want, it also removes the “interference” of other frequencies.
Electrical Engineer here.

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