How do casinos keep track of the amount of chips in a dealer’s care at a table to make sure the dealer isn’t pocketing them or paying out too much?


I used to think it was some kind of process like a cashier till where the dealer would pick up a tray with X amount of chips, and then have to turn it in where everything is counted and reconciled somehow.

But I saw in a movie (never been to a casino myself to gamble) where one dealer would just walk up and tag-out another dealer and take over their spot. It made me wonder how everything was accounted for.

What’s to keep a dealer from slipping an extra $500 chip every once in awhile to their buddies?

In: 125

76 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Good question, never thought about that but I assume the answer is there are so many cameras anyone transporting money is watched the whole way and/or being followed by other people

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everybody is being watched. The watchers are being watched. Records are kept as to who signs out chips, and who cashes them in. It isn’t foolproof, but it is heavily supervised and you probably couldn’t get away with stealing for very long, if at all. In the past few years, casinos have also started embedding RFID tags into higher value chips, which allows them to track the movement of the chips continuously. Any chip showing up somewhere unusual, and it sets off alarms.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The biggest weapon against fraud from a casino employee is simply fear, fear of being watched, fear of other employees being moles, fear of being beaten up or worse your family friends being targeted because of your actions. Any employee who suddenly appears to have more expensive things than they should becomes a focus of attention. The whole idea that “gangsters” run casinos keeps that culture of fear high in employees minds.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The biggest weapon against fraud from a casino employee is simply fear, fear of being watched, fear of other employees being moles, fear of being beaten up or worse your family friends being targeted because of your actions. Any employee who suddenly appears to have more expensive things than they should becomes a focus of attention. The whole idea that “gangsters” run casinos keeps that culture of fear high in employees minds.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of people pointing towards cameras “eye in the sky” but that’s a reactive system for them. The reality and #1 method is systematic chip counts. They do this when a table is opened, new chips are brought to the table, during dealer changes, on timed intervals, and when table shuts down. Dealers have to sign off on chip counts which also serves as check-points. It’s the pit-boss’s job to tally chips leaving the table. From casino POV, less concerned of players winning than making sure chip counts are accurate. Anomalies and out-of-ordinary then get audited from cameras/analysts to follow the money, establish timelines and resolve discrepancies.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of people pointing towards cameras “eye in the sky” but that’s a reactive system for them. The reality and #1 method is systematic chip counts. They do this when a table is opened, new chips are brought to the table, during dealer changes, on timed intervals, and when table shuts down. Dealers have to sign off on chip counts which also serves as check-points. It’s the pit-boss’s job to tally chips leaving the table. From casino POV, less concerned of players winning than making sure chip counts are accurate. Anomalies and out-of-ordinary then get audited from cameras/analysts to follow the money, establish timelines and resolve discrepancies.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In regards to pocketing them, dealers don’t have pockets. And there are a lot of rules and procedures about how dealers handle chips that prevent easy theft.

In regards to over paying someone, usually there will be a limit to how much a dealer can pay out. I’ve seen everything from as little as $200 to as much as $5000. So anything over that amount and they will need supervisor approval.

What’s stopping a dealer from just not telling a supervisor and paying out an extra few hundred? The cameras are always watching. And another thing I haven’t seen mentioned is other players. If someone is getting extra chips, another player will likely notice and say something, because they’re not getting free chips. And players hate it when things aren’t fair.

I’ve been a dealer over a decade. I know how I could ‘pocket’ chips off camera, I also know how I could slip a player an extra few hundred and get away with it. I also know that no matter how much I steal, it would never be as much as I can earn. I get paid a lot (I’m not in the US, where they earn shit) for pretty easy work, I’m not going to throw that away for a quick buck.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lower denomination ($25 and lower) are barely tracked. Higher denomination ($100 and higher) are tracked much more closely. A running total of the amount of chips in the rack is kept by the supervisor in that section. Most casinos have an individual touchscreen computer on each game. The supervisor keeps track on that computer of what is in the current bankroll. If a player wins and/or walks away with chips, they subtract those chips from their running tally. If a player comes to the table with chips from another game and loses them, the supervisor will add that to the tally.

It is difficult to steal any high denomination chips without the supervisor also being in on it, since they would know that one (or more) is missing because they have a running tally of what is supposed to be there. This is why, when a player “colors up” or converts their chips to a higher denomination, the dealer break down the chips, bring out the higher denomination chips, and call supervisor over to verify it. Once verified, the dealer will send out the color up and the supervisor will deduct these chips from their tally on the computer.

Source : 15 years dealing experience, current Las Vegas strip dealer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to all of the Casino quotes….

If you pay attention the dealer’s hands carefully there are a bunch of little ‘ticks’ and procedures that they do with their hands to show the cameras and bosses that they are counting correctly. I am taking about things like running their fingers across stacks of chips to show that they are the same height, counting money out on the table (and announcing the amount), using that stick thing to rake off the mass of chips in games like craps or roulette (instead of touching them). etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I work as a table games floor supervisor at a casino. We regularly track the count in the tray (and on the table in front of players), along with buy-ins and player totals, in the computer, entering notes when somebody hits something big, changes their play strategy oddly, gets on a streak, etc.. Every floor is in charge of 4 tables/dealers, and we watch the games to make sure they’re being dealt correctly and paid properly. We require the dealers to get approval from us before sending out any payouts over a certain amount, or to provide change/color-ups. There are also cameras EVERYWHERE, and surveillance can catch things the floor misses.