How do casinos keep track of the amount of chips in a dealer’s care at a table to make sure the dealer isn’t pocketing them or paying out too much?


I used to think it was some kind of process like a cashier till where the dealer would pick up a tray with X amount of chips, and then have to turn it in where everything is counted and reconciled somehow.

But I saw in a movie (never been to a casino myself to gamble) where one dealer would just walk up and tag-out another dealer and take over their spot. It made me wonder how everything was accounted for.

What’s to keep a dealer from slipping an extra $500 chip every once in awhile to their buddies?

In: 125

76 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t make the mistake of thinking movies are real life. Dealers have to do a little hand dance to show their hands are clear of chips for the cameras every time they handle them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the table is opened the chips are counted by a dealer and a pit boss who then sign off on a slip. When players buy in the cash is entered into a computer, and chips are given equaling the same value. At the end of the night the tray is counted again, and if there’s a discrepency (a variance we called it) between the chips and the computer then you re-count. If there’s still a variance another pit boss comes over and counts with the dealer again. If there’s still a variance then you sign off on it, inform the floor manager, and a surveilance review will be done over night to find it. This is obviously for casinos that close, for casino’s that don’t close I assume they just do counts periodically. We did rough counts periodically (once an hour) just to make sure nothing really seemed off.

In my 7 years in the industry we never once had something go missing we didn’t find.

Source: 7 years in tables, 2 as a dealer, 3 as a pitboss, 2 as a floor manager.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dealt for 10 years, the floor supervisors regularly check what’s in the computer system and compare what’s in the dealers rack. As long as the dealer keeps their rack nice and tidy a floor can literally glance at a color and know a very close estimate. They spend more time checking the higher values, 100, 500, 1000 etc but will guesstimate the smaller

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is cameras everywhere in a Casio to prevent cheating and stealing.

stealing chip is a great way to get on the disability benefit program

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the table is opened the chips are counted by a dealer and a pit boss who then sign off on a slip. When players buy in the cash is entered into a computer, and chips are given equaling the same value. At the end of the night the tray is counted again, and if there’s a discrepency (a variance we called it) between the chips and the computer then you re-count. If there’s still a variance another pit boss comes over and counts with the dealer again. If there’s still a variance then you sign off on it, inform the floor manager, and a surveilance review will be done over night to find it. This is obviously for casinos that close, for casino’s that don’t close I assume they just do counts periodically. We did rough counts periodically (once an hour) just to make sure nothing really seemed off.

In my 7 years in the industry we never once had something go missing we didn’t find.

Source: 7 years in tables, 2 as a dealer, 3 as a pitboss, 2 as a floor manager.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t make the mistake of thinking movies are real life. Dealers have to do a little hand dance to show their hands are clear of chips for the cameras every time they handle them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

each chip has an RFID in them abling the casino to track all chips inside casino at all times

with these RFIDs they can track the amount of chips on every table, every hand

once you cash in your chips these RFIDs are enabled to prevent double spending

Anonymous 0 Comments

each chip has an RFID in them abling the casino to track all chips inside casino at all times

with these RFIDs they can track the amount of chips on every table, every hand

once you cash in your chips these RFIDs are enabled to prevent double spending

Anonymous 0 Comments

The movie you are talking about is likely Suicide Kings with Christopher Walken and a cast of other great names. The scene is one of the boys winning big in Atlantic City and then a new dealer shows up and burns through all the money and goes into debt.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The movie you are talking about is likely Suicide Kings with Christopher Walken and a cast of other great names. The scene is one of the boys winning big in Atlantic City and then a new dealer shows up and burns through all the money and goes into debt.