How do CD/DVDs work? How are we able to get sound and pictures from a disk?


How do CD/DVDs work? How are we able to get sound and pictures from a disk?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So you break pictures and sound into chunks – spatial chunks for pictures and time chunks for sound. You then quantized that information – capture some discrete levels of color or sound and apply a number to it. That’s digital media.

So then you got a string of numbers that make up pictures or sound. You burn that information into a thin layer of aluminum. Every time your data switches from a 1 to a 0 or back again, you burn a little pit in the disc.

On read, the disc reader uses it’s spin speed and position of laser to start generating bits. Every time a pit comes, the laser is scattered, this is detected, and internally your string of numbers generate inverts.

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