How do child actors exposed to gruesome scenes (like murder on a horror film) not get traumatized/PTSD?


How do child actors exposed to gruesome scenes (like murder on a horror film) not get traumatized/PTSD?

In: Other

14 Answers

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Because they’re not actually gruesome. We see them perfectly edited with a scary soundtrack and without knowing the script and without seeing 50 people milling around holding coffees and snacks.

You can spare the kid the most realistic portions, but even more than that, the assistant director can just come over and be like, “So, Tim’s going to jump out of that box, covered in red syrup and yelling, and you’ve gotta run away, and then we’ll make you a sandwich?” And this kid has been around Tim for a week, and he’s a really nice guy, and he’s winking and being all funny scary before the scene, and the kid can barely get the giggles under control to shoot it. He wasn’t actually scared, he was just playing make believe for 5 minutes, stitched together 10 times.

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