How do childhood memories cause trauma if you can’t remember them?


How do childhood memories cause trauma if you can’t remember them?

In: 29

8 Answers

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I read a book on child psychology a while ago but don’t remember the author. Basically when you form memories there are two “types” of them in your brain – one is the actual memory, where you can go back and relive the situation. The other one however is the feelings you felt during the situation itself. Although we don’t remember the specific situation, our brain’s neural pathways have forever left a trace somewhere on our brain that remembers this feeling. So we go on with our lives associating specific things/places/people with different emotions that our brain was trained to experience. This is the probable reason people associate normal events/people with bad things and often can’t pinpoint why, you can’t relive the exact situation but on a subconscious level you will always remember the experience and how it affected you.

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