How do Children who are celebrities get an education?


Do they go to an actual school? Hire tutors?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Private schools or private tutors.

On set most have private tutors are available to keep them up to date

Anonymous 0 Comments

When they are working, they have on-set teachers/tutors and limited work hours in part to allow for educational time. Also, if they’re in a movie or TV show that might only be a couple months of the year.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They hire tutors usually, but they don’t normally go to college-at least not at the traditional age. If you look at the students in Nontraditional undergraduate program at Columbia University, you notice many of them are people who are very smart and driven, but never went to school because they were very busy as kids. They’re former Olympic athletes and child stars and performers who have grown too old or want a career change and want to go back to school-but to a very good school like Columbia.