How do contraception pills make u gain weight?


Me and my girlfriend have gotten into quite a few arguments, shes saying the little pill makes u gain weight (like literally you swallow it and you will gain weight, over time.)
It literally can’t possibly make u gain weight. Or I don’t understand how it would, it’s not like its containing 2000 calories.
Even if you take steroids, you still gotta eat plenty to gain weight, right?
I am saying it might be slower metabolism, water retention etc, but at the root of everything its still food, right?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The birth control pill mimics the hormonal cascade of early pregnancy in the body, suppressing ovulation. One of the effects of that hormonal shift is increased bodyweight, as you might see in early pregnancy. Over time, that weight compounds and can add up significantly. Your girlfriend is not wrong. Her weight gain is probably not due to gratuitous overeating, a dysfunctional metabolism, or sloth. Weight gain is, indeed, a possible side effect of birth control, so please be kind and give her a break. She probably already feels bad about it.

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