how do cooling pillows work? How are they so cold !!


how do cooling pillows work? How are they so cold !!


2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not an expert, but I like to brainstorm and see people correct me.

Heat is energy. Every matter can contain it or release it. But some matter have an easier time absorbing or releasing that energy. As such when you touch something and it feel hot, it’s that object transferring some of that heat to you.

My best bet are either:
The material these pillows are made of barely release energy. As such, if they do not release energy(or not much), they feel cold.
There is a layer of material that conduct the heat on top. Inside, a matter that absorb heat easily. As such, the heat from the top layer get redirected to the inside of the pillow. Then, with much larger filling comes a much larger surface area to remove the surplus heat. The filling act like a radiator to remove the heat from the pillow.

Again, nothing sure, it’s just how I can imagine it being done. Feel free to correct me.

Anonymous 0 Comments

At least some of them have a material that melts at a temperature between normal room temperature and skin temperature.

This works the same way ice cools a drink, except the melting material is made in a manner that it doesn’t migrate away from its initial location when melted. This way, the pillow is cool while you are going to sleep, it heats up after a while, when you are asleep and stays warm for a while after your head is removed and the material as freezing again.

So if the pillow seems warm, just turn it over and use another part of it.

Enjoy your cool pillow – enabled by the energy consumed for phase changes.