How do different images from the same camera vary in file size?


Wouldn’t a camera with a constant resolution capture images of the same quality and therefore file size? How is it possible that some images on my camera can be 1.5 MB, and others 2.5 MB?

In: Technology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An uncompressed raw file will always have the same file size, as it saves the same data for the same amount of pictures. However most raw files are (lossless) compressed and include other information beside the picture info.

However most pictures you’ll come across won’t be in raw format. They’ll be things like jpg, png, gif. They can reduce the file size immensely, but the way they achieve that is very different.
Jpg is the most common format. If you want to see how it works I can recommend [this video]( It has a very good way of showing how it all works.

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